Han Zhong (钟涵)

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Han Zhong
Ph.D. Student
Peking University
Email: hanzhong@stu.pku.edu.cn
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About Me

I am a third-year Ph.D. student at Peking University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Liwei Wang. Before that, I obtained a bachelor's degree in Mathematics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). Additionally, I had the privilege of conducting research at both the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), where I collaborated with Professor Tong Zhang, and at Microsoft Research Asia (MSRA), where I had the opportunity to work with Doctor Wei Chen.

I work on machine learning. The primary goal of my research is to design provably efficient and practical machine learning algorithms, particularly in the context of interactive decision-making problems. To achieve this goal, my recent researches focus on reinforcement learning theory. Currently, I am also interested in RLHF (for LLMs) and foundation models (for decision-making problems). If you share common interests and would like to explore collaboration or simply have a discussion, feel free to contact me.

Selected Publications

Theoretical Foundation of Interactive Decision Making: We propose a unified framework, GEC, to study the statistical complexity of interactive decision making. We also reveal a potential representation complexity hierarchy among different reinforcement learning paradigms, including model-based RL, policy-based RL, and value-based RL.

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: We develope the first line of efficient equilibrium-finding algorithms for offline Markov games and Stackelberg Markov games.

Robust Machine Learning: We focus on understanding distributionally robust reinforcement learning and robust generalization in deep learning.

Policy Optimization: We provide theoretical guarantees for policy optimization algorithms, especially optimistic proximal policy optimization (PPO).